Creating a Processor -------------------- Creating a new processor and adding it to RAT requires only a few steps. Create the Class Header ``````````````````````` First, you need to select a name for your processor class. By convention, processors are named "RAT::XXXXProc" where XXXX is some short descriptive name for what your processor does. If the processor is a fitter, it should be named "RAT::FitXXXXProc". All processors are subclasses of the RAT::Processor class, which defines the common interface for processors. The easiest way to create a processor class which follows this interface is to copy the CountProc files in src/core and edit them. Next, you need to decide whether you want your processor to be invoked once per physics event or once per detector event. If you are interested in Monte Carlo information primarily, or need to consider all the detector events as a group, you should overload the DSEvent() method:: virtual RATProcessor::Result DSEvent(RAT_DS &ds); However, if you are writing a processor that is primarily interested in detector events, it may be easier to instead overload the Event() method instead (this is not done in RAT::CountProc):: virtual RATProcessor::Result Event(RAT_MC &mc, RAT_EV &ev); Event() will be called once for every "detector" event, even if there are multiple detector events in a particular physics event. The Event() method is only provided as a convenience, since you could implement the same behavior by writing your own loop in DSEvent() instead. You should only overload DSEvent() or Event(), but NOT BOTH. Finally, you need to decide what parameters your processor will accept at runtime. Many processors will not need this feature at all. If your processor needs constants or other external data to function, you should put it into a RATDB table. Users can override RATDB values using the /rat/db/set command in their macro files. Instead, parameters are for the constants that should be set per "instance" of a processor. A particular processor can be instantiated in an event loop more than once, and parameters are the only way to differentiate one instance from another. For example, the prune and outroot processors can be used multiple times:: /rat/proc prune /rat/procset prune "mc.particle" /rat/proc outroot /rat/procset file "prune_mcparticle.root" /rat/proc prune /rat/procset prune "mc.pmt.photon" /rat/proc outroot /rat/procset file "prune_mc_particle_photon.root" If you do need parameters, you will need to select names for them and decide what type of data you want. Currently, processors can accept parameters in int, float, and double, and string format by overloading the appropriate methods:: virtual void SetI(std::string param, int value); virtual void SetF(std::string param, float value); virtual void SetD(std::string param, double value); virtual void SetS(std::string param, std::string value); Only overload the methods you need. Write the Class Implementation `````````````````````````````` When you implement your class, you should take a look at for an example of how to implement the DSEvent() and SetI() methods. The return value of DSEvent() and Event() both have the same meaning: * Processor::OK - This event was successfully processed * Processor::FAIL - A non-fatal error has occurred. This event will continue to be processed through the event loop, but a later processor may use this information to change its behavior. * RATProcessor::ABORT - A non-recoverable error with this event has occurred. If a processor returns this value, then the processing of this event immediate stops, and the event loop starts over with the next event, if any. If you encounter a big problem and want to terminate RAT immediately (this has a way of getting the attention of the user), use the RAT::Log::Die() method as described in the Logging section. If you are implementing one of the parameter methods, you should use this general pattern (stolen from void CountProc::SetI(std::string param, int value) { if (param == "update") { if (value > 0) { updateInterval = value; } else { throw ParamInvalid(param, "update interval must be > 0"); } } else { throw ParamUnknown(param); } } The exceptions will be caught by the RAT command interpreter and appropriate error messages will be shown to the user before aborting the application. Register the Class with ProcBlockManager ```````````````````````````````````````` Finally, once you have your processor implemented, you need to edit src/cmd/ to register your processor so that users can add it to their event loops. Include the header for your processor at the top, then find the relevant code in the constructor:: // Create processor allocator table procAllocators["count"] = new ProcAllocatorTmpl; procAllocators["outroot"] = new ProcAllocatorTmpl; procAllocators["outnet"] = new ProcAllocatorTmpl; procAllocators["prune"] = new ProcAllocatorTmpl; procAllocators["fitcentroid"] = new ProcAllocatorTmpl; procAllocators["fitpoisson"]= new RATProcAllocatorTmpl; To add your new processor to the list, pick a short name for it. (A good choice is the part between "RAT" and "Proc".) Then add a line to the end of that list, like:: procAllocators["test"]= new RATProcAllocatorTmpl; Also, the header files seem to be included at the top of Update Documentation ```````````````````` Finally, don't forget to document your processor by adding it to the User's Guide in $RATROOT/doc. Copy one of the existing manual sections for an example of what information to include. If your processor is particularly complicated, it's a good idea to also add a Discussion section to the end of the manual page that goes into detail on your method, algorithms, assumptions, etc. In most cases, a user should be able to figure out if your processor does what they want without reading your source code.